Day=> 830th
Blog Post=> 103rd
1st Blog Post in 2015
Hi Friends! Hello Everyone!
Many of you would have been celebrated last day of last (i.e. 31st December, 2014) with drinking, dancing, in parties and by riding drunk and drive on bikes; which I don’t. I don’t think it’s a right way to celebrate new year and/or any other day/function. I just pray to Gods & Allah for Happy, Healthy, Satisfying, Successful and Prosperous new year. I decide few resolutions and read that aloud while welcoming new year since 2013. In that year I had posted my 13 resolutions publicly on my blog. I shared their status also last year. Few had completed and few are still incomplete. I had resolved something for 2014 also but could not post on blog; so I won’t share their status. But this this is New Year, New Morning with New Hopes, New Desires and New Expectations to achieve new goals and mottos what we wish and resolve. I also resolved 15 Resolutions for this year which I wish to share in this very FIRST BLOGPOST OF THIS YEAR 2015-

Resolution 01:
I study of Competitive Examinations; but I realize that I am not so serious about it how I should be! I didn’t appear in many examinations but in this year I will appear in few competitive exams. Now I am Graduated. I am Degree holder of B.A. (English Literature) from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik; which I will receive this year in coming days. I wish to receive it in a convocation ceremony of YCMOU. So I will try to attempt MPSC and/or UPSC also, but honestly say that I am not prepared for that.
I didn’t attempt any competitive exam last year except a MAHATET to what I don’t consider a competitive exam.
Resolution 02:
I am a bookworm. So I bought and got so many Marathi, Hindi and English books; which I have in my small but beautiful collection in my library. Few of them have been read already by me whereas few are still unread. My Babuji (Dad) gifted me a DELL Inspiron 15-3537 laptop before exact a week of my 22nd Birthday (18th April) on dated 11th April last year; in which I have collection of so many ebooks in PDF & other format which have not read yet, I have few magazines also. So much of these are unread so I will read a book and an ebook alternatively this year.
One weekly career oriented newspaper Rojgar Naukari Sandarbha have been coming to my home for more than 3 years’ long period in which I got published via CETFLASH also. Now Daily newspaper LOKMAT also comes in my home since 16th December, 2014. I may change daily newspaper in future but I read atleast one daily and one weekly newspaper.
I have collections of scriptures/holy books The Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta, The Divya Quran Sharif and The Holy Bible of Hinduism, Islamism and Christianity respectively. I have read one of them the holy Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta; in this year I have aim to finish both The Divya Quran Sharif and The Holy Bible or atleat one of these.
Resolution 03:
I read so many books but didn’t review many of them; but now I promise you that when I will finish a book’s/ebook’s reading I will review and post on my blog before picking up next book to read. I will try to write books’ & ebooks’ reviews for those who pay honest reviewers.
Resolution 04:
I have been writing blogs since 24th September, 2012 but I have posted ONLY 9-10 blogs in 11-14 blog posts (1 blog in 3 posts has been deleted automatically) in last year. That is happened because of so many reasons. I have not posted many blogs last year but still 2014 was little special for my blog; because I posted my 100th/Centurian blog on my birthday in 2014. I had not posted even a single post since April till End of the November; even then my readers loved and kept visiting my blog. Recently in December 2014 My blog’s visitors counter reached to 3 lakh plus visits with 1.43 views/page. So I thank all of you for being with me and for keeping trust on me. So many different topics and issues are in my mind to write a blog post. So I will keep writing blogs continuously this year for my readers, fans and friends.
Resolution 05:
I am little careless about my bad habits like sleeping and awakening too late which affects on my fitness what I self penned into 2nd section of my 3rd poem in English ‘A CLEVER DICKNESS’ last year on dated 29th May, 2014-
I have been an accident victim before 3 weeks from today on dated 11th December, 2014 which pain of my right feet I am suffering and walk tying Active Crepe Bandage even today. I pray to God for relief from pain I am suffering. But in this year I will change my bad habits into good habits and I will be careful about my fitness.
Resolution 06:
As I mentioned above in my second resolution, I write a column ‘CETFlash’ for career oriented weekly newspaper ‘Rojgar Naukari Sandarbha’. But I couldn’t find time to write and post a column because of my busy schedule during July-October for a unfortunate job I was doing, during November-December because of MAHATET preparation and later by the cause of my laziness. Yes! I am not a lazy person but I have laziness! But in this year I will keep continue writing my column ‘CETFlash’ for ‘Rojgar Naukari Sandarbha’ for more than 25 lakh readers and fans of my article in RNS.
Resolution 07:
I am a litterateur; so I wish to be a polygloat. My English is not so bad! But ‘Utni Achchhi Bhi Nahin Hain!’ (not as good too!) I have so many books to improve English language so I will read them and will try to get command on speaking and writing skills of English language.
Resolution 08:
I have written only 8 poems (4 Hindi, 3 Marathi & 1 long poem in English) and I wrote few ‘Shayaris’ in Hindi & Marathi in 2014. Few poems are incomplete; I will complete my previous incomplete poems this year. I had started to write a play titled ‘Sapnon Ki Shaadi’ in 2009 which is still incomplete because of my laziness. I have a target to complete that play anyhow this year. I will keep writing poems, articles and blogs as I have been writing since 8th November 2005 for over 9 years. While typing above period I realized that on upcoming 8th November, 2015 I will have complete a decade in this literary world. I don’t believe but it is going to happen this year. WOW!
As you know I have written a book (My Autobiography) ‘MAAZI TAI : Ek Athvan’ (MTEA) during 2009-2011 on a brother-sister’s unlucky relationship in my personal life. I have published first three articles of the book MTEA on my blog in .HTML format but I couldn’t publish next articles. Now I changed my mood and I have decided to not post a book in .HTML format. Instead of posting the book in .HTML format I will publish ‘MAAZI TAI : Ek Athvan’ with little necessary changes as ebook in .PDF format and I will make available the eBook on my blog/website either for Free Of Cost or to buy at very cheap and affordable cost.
I will try to re-write the same story in this year or in future and will publish a hardbook with changed title. Like blogs there are so many topics in my mind to write a book also; but unfortunately everything is not possible in a year so it will take enough time to make it happen.
Resolution 09:
I have been writing a daily diary since 1st October, 2009. I have completed total 5 diaries to note down my experiences of my life during 2009-2014. But unfortunately I didn’t maintain my 5th diary regularly because of my laziness. So I will start my new 6th diary tonight with this very first article of my 15 resolutions as this blog started in this year and promise myself that I will maintain my diaries regularly. I had started sharing articles from my diary on my blog earlier which had been stopped before finish a series. But I am thinking to resume that project in future on my blog under Manatlya Manat or I will pulish my diaries as ebook.
Resolution 10:
I had posted writing works of other authors also on my facebook page and few of those on my blog before. Now I am thinking to launch an e-publishing portal on my blog/website. I know that- Doing this is not so easy but keep trust me, I will make it happen in this year. This is my personal official blog but I will make available my and other authors’ ebooks and writing materials here in ‘e-format.’ After establishment of this plan if I get success I will moderate my e-publishing portal’s blog with unique and suitable name & domain. I am thinking deeply about this dream and I will post rules, terms & conditions, FAQs and other required important information at right time on this same blog, my official facebook page & my official twitter handle. Most important requirement is I need appreciation and support of authors and readers like you for implementation of this dream. Just wait and watch!
Resolution 11:
I spend most of the time in browsing internet on computer or mobile. So I would like to earn using computer and internet if I could. If my above resolution becomes successful it will happen.
Resolution 12:
I had taught as assistant teacher in two public schools; and I worked first as assistant teacher for 2 months and then as Head Master/Principal for 2 months in one school last year during 1st July - October 2014 but it was my unfortunate! Why? I am not here to discuss about that but--- In that unfortunate period I took ‘RUKS Coaching Classes’ (RCC) of English also in my uncles’ village Indora Khurd (Nimgaon) located in Tirora tehsil in Gondia district in Maharashtra. But now I am unemployed. To earn is not my motto at this stage of my life but if I could earn why shall I not attempt? Few students ask me to take tuitions of English. I never thought to start tuitions in Amgaon but now I think that I should start coaching (tuition) classes of English this year. I hope I will---
Resolution 13:
As I admitted in my eleventh resolution I spend most of the time in browsing social media like Facebook & Twitter and internet. So I will try to use social media in limit this year.
Resolution 14:
As you know I use this blog as my official website. Firstly I will update my pending information in this site. I will try to get my own’s domain. My first preference is to register my own domain for free if I can because I can not afford spending money to buy domain as an unemployed person. I read about sites which provides domain for free recently. I will check that sites otherwise I will try to buy my own domain name and I will make this official blog as my official website in real sense.
Resolution 15:
After trying to achieve previous 14 resolutions I will try to make good use of rest of the time. Ofcourse in this process entertainment and other inadvertently not mentioned things are contained in this good use.
So… These are my 15 resolutions to achieve in the new year 2015. I hope that I will achieve each and every resolution in this year, and if I couldn’t atleast I will try my best to achieve these resolutions. And Yes! I am interested to know your resolutions. At the end I hope all of your appreciation and support will keep being with myself in this year also.
Before concluding this blog post I would like to share my self written Marathi poem ‘Nav-Varsh’ (New Year) on this occasion of-
I wish Health, Wealth, Success, Satisfaction and Happiness in this Prosperous very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to you and your family.