Thursday 27 October 2022

THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD by Avi Arya [Book Review & Detailed Analysis of 62 Successful Entrepreneurs' Interviews] (4.5/5* Rating #BookLysis by @RDHSir)

  •  32nd BookLysis (Book Review) by RDH Sir 

    Hello readers…!

    I know that I took a very long break in my venture called BookLysis… But finally, I am back with one more book review. We all are aware that this is a new era of startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers, vloggers, YouTubers and digital marketing. Why am I talking about it today? So let me tell you that I have read a book titled THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD (TIMOTW/IMOTW) By Avi Arya, Raya Arya and Avianna Arya. Before I start my review, let me alert you that this is going to be my one of the most detailed book reviews so far. It’s not just a review but a detailed critical analysis and a meticulous chapter by chapter book summary. So, here is my BookLysis of the book THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD (TIMOTW). 

    Image Credit: Lakshita from Team Avi Arya
    Image Source: BookLysis by

      Table of Contents


      Front Cover of Internet Moguls of the World at BookLysis by RDH Sir
      Front Cover of The Internet Moguls of the World
      Image Courtesy: Amazon

      36 Entrepreneurs’ photos are featured on the top and bottom of the cover. The book title THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD attracts the reader from the center. Capital font style and the Black and Blue colour setting of the book cover make it more vibrant…! The title also carries the subtitle HOW THE PLANET’S BEST FOUND THEIR PASSION AND NEVER LOOKED BACK on the front cover while the tagline changes into HOW THE PLANET’S BEST ENTREPRENEURS FOUND THEIR PASSION AND NEVER LOOKED BACK on the back cover. Images of the author Avi Arya along with co-authors Raya Arya and Avianna Arya are enough to convince readers about the fact that it’s indeed A Daddy-Daughter Venture. I liked the dashing avatar of both of the co-authors Raya and Avianna as they are seen holding their hands/fingers like a gun (Hahaha..)! A round Logo/Seal of Internet Moguls of the World School is imprinted just above the authors’ images. However, I feel that the authors’ images could have become more attractive if they were slightly bigger in the size. However, I missed the author’s and co-authors’ names on the front cover. The back cover consists of a letter from the authors along with testimonials of Dan Lok, Patrick Bet David, John Lee DumasPat Flynn and Greg Smith.

      BINDING: The book contains 480 pages excluding the cover. The book is bound well in paperback format but considering the important subject and higher price of the book, I am not fully satisfied with the quality of the book’s binding; it would have been better if the book were in hardcover instead of paperback.


          One can get an idea or an overview of the book after going through an Index of the book62 Successful personalities from different fields are interviewed by the authors and those 62 successful stories are shared in this book in the questionnaire / Q&A (interview) format.


          Every question is presented in bold and italic font style. Each chapter is divided into four sections: 
          1. Hero Introduction
          2. The Success Kit
          3. Not Just Motivation
          4. Your Light-Bulb Moments in which the reader is given a free space to write notes in 3 points after reading every story. All 62 successful stories are presented in alphabetical order of the successful interviewees.
          The book asks readers to follow 5 steps and to complete a task after reading every story of The Internet Mogul from the book. Story 49 has a photo of the entrepreneur Rian Rao Narvekar in the Hero Introduction section, I think that this idea could be applied in every story of the book.


          LANGUAGE: All three Authors /co-authors use simple and lucid language to interview a speaker; hence the book is very easy to understand. Mostly the conversations take place in American English. It is okay to use American English but I prefer British English in a piece of literature.

          WRITING STYLE: Every chapter in this (TIMOTW) book is in a question-answer format that allows for easy highlighting of the best practices to start a new business or grow an existing venture while making more time than ever for your family. The author uses CAPITAL and bold letters formatting style to emphasize some points. He also uses brackets to express hidden sentiments. Uses of capital & small letters and italic fonts are done in a much better way.



             Story-wise Review of Each Entrepreneur’s Interview by RDH Sir 

            The book (The Internet Moguls Of The World) starts with BON VOYAGE (Best Wishes) to the readers from the authors. I agree with the fact that children like others’ stories more than that of their parents as remarked in THE BACKDROP“The book has an arsenal of information in the form of questions, and these questions provide answers that will equip your dreams with your personal blueprint.”

             STORY 01 (ADAM FRANKLIN)

            You will know The One Secret Ingredient of Online Success-Web Marketing and how Adam Franklin turned his love of the internet and made into a successful agency business. I am impressed by the introduction of Adam Franklin from Bluewire Media. Adam Franklin tells some actionable steps which can be followed by startups interested in creating or starting an online business. He also tells one of the best methods to create an effective and efficient website. I liked Adam’s advice to build an email list.

            STORY 02 (AMY PORTERFIELD)

            Summary of Amy Portrfield's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by RDH Sir
            Image Courtesy: Amy Porterfield
            The second story suggests to Take some Risks and Truly Find Yourself. You can learn How Amy Porterfield became America’s favourite online coach, helping you create courses out of passion and skill. She hosts the podcast Online Marketing Made Easy which you can listen on Spotify. She was named by Forbes as one of the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers. I would like to quote Amy Porterfield, “If you have passion and a vision, you can create any business you desire.”

            STORY 03 (AVI ARYA)

            “Never believe anything anybody says. You can have it ALL if you love your family and are ready to do WHATEVER IT TAKES.” – Avi Arya

            The third story is about the author Avijit aka Avi Arya himself. Readers can learn; How Avi Arya created the MVM method for 55,000 mom and dad Entrepreneurs who wanted to use videos to get known, get leads and sales without leaving their home.

            I feel like literally Avi Arya gave birth to the Hero Introduction system, and the book The Internet Moguls Of The World is an example of it. I know that you would be interested in learning more about him, so let me introduce him to you.

            Summary of Avi Arya's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy: AskAviArya
            “Avi Arya is the father of two girls and six dogs. He is the husband to a superwoman, a streetcar-racer-turned-hotelier. He now works as a social media marketer and is the founder of the award-winning agency ‘Internet Moguls’. He is also the creator of micro-video mastery (MVM) method.” 

            Avi Arya is interviewed by Sushmitha Naroor (Project Manager at Happy Self Publishing). I would like to quote Avi Arya in which he tells how and why the micro-video marketing mastery (MVM) method was developed; “I believe anybody can develop a new idea if he or she is self-driven and knows the problem he or she is trying to solve.”

            Avi Arya also conducts a webinar named Internet Moguls every weekend with over 3000 people where he tells all about his mentorship programs. He also hosts a podcast named Internet Moguls Of The World.

            STORY 04 (AVIANNA ARYA)

            Summary of Avianna Arya's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Avianna Arya
            Image Courtesy: imotws
            Finding your Passion as a ten-year-old is a story of co-author Avianna Arya. She is the co-author of Bedtime Stories For Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs and ‘The Internet Moguls Of The World.’ She is passionate about horses and gymnastics. Although the interviewer’s name is missing in this story, I guess it should be Sushmitha Naroor. 

            I am impressed to read Avianna’s mature answers on finding our passion before beginning a new venture. She advises, “If you still do not know what your passion is, spend some time reading about different topics. Do not rust this process. It does take time to identify your passion so that you choose the right theme for your venture.” I don’t know why but I can sense influence of Amy Porterfield’s answers into Avianna’s thoughts. I would personally try to follow Avianna’s advice for increasing my RDH Sir YouTube Channel’s viewership and subscribers. I feel every blogger, YouTuber, or content writer should apply the techniques advised by her for seeing good results from quality content being provided by them.

            STORY 05 (BELLA VASTA):

            Summary of Bella Vasta's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy:
            Riches are in the Niches tells us How Bella Vasta found her micro-niche as a digital marketer for the pet industry and created super success. She now runs a one-woman coaching company, Jump Consulting. She is also an author, podcast host, and blogger and has been featured on NBC, CBS, FOX, NPR, Entrepreneur Magazine, Social Media Examiner and Huffington PostShe shares the best way to find our niche before starting a (new) business. I learned so much from the tips shared by her. She also shares the necessity to find a micro-niche. I like the term ‘jailbird’ used by Bella for the people working for someone else (i.e. jobholders / employers / government servants). She also shares the way to develop and sell courses on digital marketing platforms.

            STORY 06 (BILLY GENE):

            Summary of Billy Gene's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy: Entepreneur
            Be Everywhere online is a success story of Billy Gene. I would like to quote him, “A common mistake that business owners make is to sell what they want. You make money based on what other people want. Ensure you serve the people and give them what they need.”

            STORY 07 (BRAD LEA)

            “The More hands you shake, the more money you make.” - Brad Lea (CEO, LightSpeed VT)

            Summary of Brad Lea's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy:
            Be A Tactical Leader
            Brad Lea tells the importance of building a relationship with yourself. He also gives tips to improve the relationship with yourself:

            1. Forgive yourself and apologize
            2. Commit to always doing what you say you are going to do.
            3. Set 10 small goals.
            4. Learn something new daily.

            I agree with Brad’s views about the pros of being connected to the world through the internet, but I disagree with his opinion about people who are far away from the internet and the virtual world. I agree with the statement, “We are more connected than ever before; it is a beautiful time to be alive.” But this too has many cons and we cannot ignore that.

            STORY 08 (BRENNAN AGRANOFF):

            This story tells you The Secret Ingredient of Being a Millionaire. It is an inspirational story of Brennan Agranoff; who founded HoopSwagg at 13 years of age. He was named the 2017 Teen Entrepreneur of the Year by Baylor University. He tells how he has grown his business along with his studies. He talks about marketing via different kinds of advertising platforms and gives a bit of important advice to beginners and new startups. After all, Brennan Agranoff turned his business idea into a million-dollar industry through Facebook Ads. 

            STORY 09 (CHARLIE GRINNELL): 

            Summary of Charlie Grinnell's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Courtesy: LinkedIn
            “Digital Marketing Is the Present and the Future of Business and Commerce.” - Charlie Grinnell (CEO, Right Metric

            Charlie Grinnell talks about freelancing works.

            STORY 10 (CHRIS DUCKER)

            Summary of Chris Ducker's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy:
            Emily and Blair
            Chris Ducker helps people everyday to create profitable personal brands. He reveals an important aspect to be the face of the business. He also gives some suggestions to monetize business on the internet. He gives tips to build community and tells the pros and cons of engagement with an online community.

          • Buy Rise of the Youpreneur® by Chris Ducker on Amazon (Paperback) Amazon Kindle | Flipkart

          • STORY 11 (DAN LOK®): 

            Summary of Dan Lok's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Credit: danlokshow
            Dan Lok®’s story Leverage the Power of the Internet to Make a Difference tells us how Dan Lok® overcame from all the failures and teaches us not to be discouraged after facing a failure and inspires us to begin a fresh new one. Although there is no correlation, Dan Lok®’s one-liner “Think global but act local” reminds me of the power of Make In India and Aatmanirbhar Bharat initiatives being run by the Government of India. He tells the importance of thinking big to achieve success.

            STORY 12 (DAN MILLER):  

            Summary of Dan Miller's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy:
            The story of Dan Miller guides how readers can utilize natural skills or abilities to add value to his/her life and that of others. A big lesson is hidden in the statement he makes, “Popularity, growth, and success shouldn’t make you inaccessible to those who helped in your growth.” He shares the importance of the title, “One of the most important aspects of creating a digital or any other product, for that matter, is the title.” Dan Miller shares the simple but secret trick to create a title that will stand out without any SEO.

            STORY 13 (DANA MALSTAFF):  

            Summary of Dana Malstaff's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy: 
            Authors Who Lead
            Dana Malstaff describes the difference between Building a business and following a passion. I agree with Dana, “You can’t change who you are. You can improve your skills, learn, and grow, but certain default settings cannot be changed. I am personally thankful to him for his valuable advice to those who are always confused to choose between passion and Business and are always taunted by people. I like to read about both the Give a Hack and Fill Gap strategies.

            STORY 14 (DAVID DARMANIN):  

            ProductLed Summit David Darmanin - ProductLed Summit 5 by ProductLed / Summary of David Darmanin's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
            Image Courtesy:
            ProductLed Summit
            The Remote Work Culture for Success and Freedom is all about how David Darmanin picked upon a small idea and focused on better customer understanding to create a massive online brand, major peer respect and a huge company Hotjar.

            STORY 15 (DAVID MELTZER):  

              David Meltzer – Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing and Former CEO of Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment / Summary of David Meltzer's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Image Courtesy: KaraGoldin
              Story 15 begins with the introduction of an entrepreneur and philanthropist David Meltzer while 
              Understanding the Secret for Entrepreneurs. I agree with David Meltzer’s opinion about Internet Moguls. It can IMPACT other entrepreneurs, and businessmen’s lives.


              Digital Deepak | Deepak Kanakaraju The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Instagram | Pinterest
              I liked a heroic introduction of Deepak Kanakaraju aka Digital Deepak. He shares his experience with his EdTech venture

              STORY 17 (DENNIS YU): 

              Summary of Dennis-Yu's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Courtesy: unboundB2B
              Dennis Yu tells you how to choose a university if you are unsure about which university is best for you.

              STORY 18 (DIGITAL PRATIK): 

              Summary of Digital Pratik's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Courtesy: Digital Scholar
              The story tells how Digital Pratik achieved success in digital marketing without formal education in the respective field. He shares two options to start an agency. He also suggests building entrepreneurs. I would like to quote him, “A common mistake most of us make is we believe there is only one way to earn money.”

              STORY 19 (CARRIE ROSE) 

              Carrie Rose
              Image Source: Twitter
              Carrie Rose recommends some ideas to grow the business. She also tells the most important two things to create courses for the audiences.

              STORY 20 (Dr. SHARMILA ANAND): 

              Dr Sharmila Anand: “You don’t have to suffer alone”
              London Business Magazine
              The story introduces us to a literally Heroine of Health Dr. Sharmila Anand who is a medical entrepreneur and helps underprivileged youth of India to find job opportunities in the healthcare sector. Dr. Sharmila Anand explains the two factors that cause anxiety amongst teenagers. The author uses the phrases 4th of July which refers to the date 4th of July, 1776 (Independence Day of the USA). Anand differentiates MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION“There is a difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is something where you need an external person or force to keep reminding and asking you to do it. Inspiration, however, is internal.” I agree with the 3 syndromes that most people have a fear of public speaking. She tells the importance of communication between parents and their children. She gives an important message to the teenagers, “It is absolutely normal to be confused. If you are not confused, then that is a problem. Whatever situation happens in your life, take the best, and leave the rest, it’s okay.”

              STORY 21 (EVAN CARMICHAEL): 

              Summary of Evan Carmichael's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Image Courtesy:
              Success Story with
              Scot D. Clary Podcast
              This story is about Canadian entrepreneur & successful YouTube creator Evan Carmichael. He shares the story behind his interview with Sadhguru on his YouTube Channel. He shares an easy therapy to reduce stress, “If you are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, you can either listen to music or practice meditation.”

              STORY 22 (FAHEEM AHMED):

              Summary of Faheem Ahmed's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Source: Twitter
              Faheem Ahmed of BYT Digital gives tips to Drive Success Through Digital Marketing. I liked his tips for optimizing web pages. 

              STORY 23 (GAURAV GURBAXANI):

              Summary of Gaurav Gurbaxani's interview to The Internet Moguls of The World in BookLysis by
              Courtesy: YourStory
              Gaurav Gurbaxani gives tips for working remotely. He quotes, “I think it is a sin to not begin, especially if you have a brilliant idea. If you have an idea, you should put it out there.”

              STORY 24 (GEORGE B. THOMAS):

              George B. Thomas recommends video strategy as the best way to sell on the internet. He also recommends some tools to create personalized videos. He says, “Don’t place all your eggs in one basket. This sounds great on paper, but it could prove fatal.” He also shares the best way to communicate with an audience. He tells the importance of telling YOUR own STORY. He shares some great pointers to create an online class. He gives some tips to create a workspace office at home.

              STORY 25 (GONCALO HALL):

              Goncalo Hall Remote Work Movement | Internet Moguls of the world | Booklyis by
              Courtesy: Remote Work Movement
              Goncalo Hall tells about the vast availability of education in any field through online education and technology. He tells the importance of traveling and communicating with people who are doing the same things as you. He tells the importance of remote learning as a remote work evangelist.

              STORY 26 (GOPAL KRISHNAN):

              Gopal Krishnan
              The story of the ‘coach of coaches’ Gopal Krishnan tells about Binge Market. I agree with Krishnan’s views about the power of WhatsApp. He says, “Do not worry about making mistakes because this is the only way you can learn.”

              STORY 27 (GREG SMITH):

              Greg Smith tells the pros of Using the Internet to Connect with and Help People. He shares the importance of micro-niche. He also recommends using a lean approach.

              STORY 28 (HIMEESH MADAAN):

              Himeesh Madaan
              The Diabetes Council

              The story is about how Himeesh Madaan and his consistency made him a 5 million subscribers YouTuber with love and business from all over the world. Himeesh tells an interesting story of how he turned into a motivational speaker. He gives some important tips to get rid of nervousness while making videos in the beginning.


              STORY 29 (JEREMY RYAN SLATE)

              Courtesy: Life Skills That Matter
              The story introduces us to Jeremy Ryan Slate (CEO of Command Your Brand Media), Owner of the Green Bay Packers and Founder of Create Your Own Life Podcast. Although  I like his introduction; I feel like the last line of his introduction is hyperbole. I correlate with a few instances from Jeremy’s childhood experiences. He says, “The best thing that you can do is invest in your self-care.” I like the way of sending messages for marketing purposes to clients via Instagram. He tells two important things to get started for podcasting. He also gives some important tips to create interesting questions for an interview.

              STORY 30 (JESSICA RHODES):

              Jessica Rhodes - Podcast Guesting Expert
              Source: LinkedIn
              The author introduces us to Jessica Rhodes who is the founder of 
              Interview Connections. She gives tips to conduct a good interview.

              STORY 31 (JESSIKA PHILIPS):

              Jessika Philips
              Courtesy: Forbes
              This is an inspiring story about Jessika Philips who founded the NOW Marketing Group in 2010 with only a laptop and a vision and the company is now a Forbes recognized Agency partner. She shares one of the best strategies to get into the paid public speaking industry. I agree with Jessika’s advice about building communities on Facebook groups and social media. She also guides to develop meaningful connections with the audience.

              STORY 32 (JILL STANTON):

              Jill Stanton of Screw The Nine To Five
              Source: Medium

              Jill Stanton’s story inspires us to get rid of the Nine-to-Five types of life.

              STORY 33 (JOHN CRESTANI):

              John Crestani, Affiliate marketing
              Source: Twitter
              John Crestani’s interest in talking to people and getting to know them better relates to my interest. He talks about affiliate marketing in his interview.

              STORY 34 (JOHN LEE DUMAS)

              John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire
              Source: Agents of Change
              John Lee Dumas talks that Podcasting Is the Future of Digital Marketing. He tells the difference between a Radio and a Podcast.

              STORY 35 (JORDAN PLATTEN):

              Jordan Platten on Clubhouse / RDHSir/ BookLysis
              The story of Jordan Platten (Owner of teaches that Digital Marketing Is the Key to Entrepreneurial Success. He talks about the importance of Facebook Ads for digital marketing.


              Jyotsna Ramachandran, Happy Self Publishing
              Image Courtesy:
              Jyotsna Ramachandran
              The story is about successful author Jyotsna Ramachandran who is the CEO of the global publishing company HAPPY SELF PUBLISHING which has published THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD. She talks about 3 different phases in the publishing industry. She discusses the key points to be successful as an author. 

              STORY 37 (KULWANT NAGI):

              Kulwant Nagi
              Source: Twitter
              Kulwant Nagi shows an important step to start with affiliate marketing.

              STORY 38 (LESLIE SAMUEL):

              Leslie Samuels
              Courtesy: Interactive Biology

              Leslie Samuel’s journey from being a High School Science and Math teacher to being a full-time blogger inspires readers to get into blogging. She tells an important tip- “You shouldn’t leave your day job or primary job to start an online venture. For the sake of financial security, take some time. Establish yourself online and then think about quitting your regular job. Taking risks is good, but ensure they are calculated.” He tells the importance of consistency in blogging, “Consistency in creating content is important. Try as much as possible, to be consistent. 
              Consistency is important, regardless of whether you are uploading videos or blogging once a week, be regular.” He shares a few ideas to create additional streams of income from a blog. He focuses on niche-specific blogging.

              STORY 39 (MANDY McEWEN)

              Courtesy: Medium
              This story of Mandy McEwen starts with a success story of her marketing agency Girl® Marketing. 

              STORY 40 (MALINI AGARWAL)

              MissMalini’s success story in the internetmoguls of the word (Booklysis by
              Source: GQIndia
              I would like to quote one of the few pieces of Malini Agarwal a.k.a. Miss Malini's advice, “Don’t try to do too many things at once. Start with an idea, implement it, before moving on to another. Any big goal you have established should be broken down into smaller ones.”  Miss Malini mentions a Japanese concept IKIGAI but I think that it would have been better if she would have mentioned more details or an explanation about this concept in her answer.

              STORY 41 (PARUL BHARGAVA)

              Ms. Parul Tarang Bhargava Co-Founder & CEO – vCommission Media Pvt. Ltd
              Source: VCommission
              The story is about Parul Bhargava herself. She is the CEO of vCommission Media Private Limited. which is India's leading global affiliate network.

              STORY 42 (PATRICK BET-DAVID)

              Patrick Bet-David, CEO of Valuetainment
              Courtesy: HubSpot Podcast
              The introduction of Patrick Bet-David’s story gives us a glimpse of the challenges faced by him in his personal life. Patrick tells the power of special media in society with a few examples of influence in the past events like the mode of his interview with Avi, 7-year-old’s (Ryan Kaji) success as a YouTuber and Presidential elections in the USA.

              STORY 43 (PAT FLYNN)

              Blogging Beats
              I feel that Pat Flynn’s advice to Avianna is really helpful for exploring any startup with a lot of experiments to grow into a successful business.

              STORY 44 (PREKSHA KAPARWAN)

              Preksha Kaparwan
              Source: IEEE
              This story starts with the introduction of Preksha Kaparwan (a chef turned into a tech entrepreneur) but I feel like her introduction is digressed. A reader starts feeling like it’s not an introduction to Preksha but (a company founded by Saurabh Moody and Preksha Kaparwan). She shares the problems in women entrepreneurs’ life just because of being a woman. I agree with her opinion about ‘demotivation’.

              STORY 45 (RAND FISHKIN)

              Rand Fishkin
              Courtesy: Neil Patel
              I agree with the problems shared by Rank Fishkin (Founder of Moz) regarding the credit of vlog creators. He tells the importance of sleep, “Sleep has a high impact on the quality of your work, whether you are writing a book or making big decisions.”


              Ranveer Allahbadia Answers Some Key Questions About His Personal Style
              Source: MensXP
              The story is about Ranveer Allahbadiya (BeerBiceps). He shares how health is his priority in all his ventures in his daily routine. He shares potential revenue streams for social influencers via different kinds of digital marketing. 

              STORY 47 (RAYA ARYA)

              Raya Arya
              Courtesy: IMOTWS

              The story of co-author Raya Arya tells us to Listen to your Heart and Create Content. She gives an important message to YouTubers, “Do what you want to see. Make what you would have wanted somebody to make for you.” She suggests some ways and tools like TubeBuddy generate new content. 


              STORY 48 (ROCK THOMAS)

              Rock Thomas
              Courtesy: RockThomas
              Rock Thomas is a self-made multi-millionaire. He suggests a way to motivate yourself, “If you have something that bothers you, enable yourself to get to a stage where you can help other people.” He adds, “Do your best to be strong and vulnerable. Instead of trying to be fake and trying to hide and be “better than,” which ends up creating a divide. Don’t shrink to fit in, own your statue, expand to shine!” I agree with Rock’s opinion about Facebook Ads.

              STORY 49 (RIAN RAO)

              Rian Rao Narvekar - The Youngest Indian To Raise Money Through Crowdfunding.
              Source: Yahoo
              The story of 15-year-old entrepreneur Rian Rao Narvekar inspires me a lot. A photo of Rian in the introduction makes this story unique. I got to know about a new crowd-funding platform bitgiving in this chapter. Rian shares how his business of sneakers reselling functions.

              STORY 50 (SANJAY SHENOY)

              Source: Sanjay Shenoy
              Sanjay Shenoy a digital marketer and founder of Pixel Track Digital. He talks about the power of content writing. He quotes, “Don’t ever compromise on your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Once this is lost, nothing is worth it.”

              STORY 51 (SEAN CANNELL)

              Sean Cannell
              Source: Twitter
              The title of Sean Cannell’s story Anybody Can Monetise Youtube gives me hope for the future. He is the CEO of Think Media and a famous Youtuber. Sean gives amazing tips to beginners about starting with the smartphone while using Audio-Visual Lightening (AVL) using a stack of books as a tripod and shooting in daylight. Overall he suggests not spending money to fulfill your passion in the beginning. I agree with him. He suggests that Youtubers focus on selling products to true fans than trying to get more subscribers for earning money. He also gives tips to newcomer affiliate marketers. He does not advise spending money on YouTube ads and Facebook ads as it is risky and I agree with him. He also tells the importance of attractive thumbnails of a video. He also tells Do’s and Don’ts of making thumbnails that will stand out. He is the host of the 'Coffee with Cannell' show. He tells the difference between (free) coaching and (paid) consulting. This story gives a challenge to the Youtubers and I have been succeeded in the challenge. If you want to know what the challenge is, you will have to read the book The Internet Moguls of the World yourself.

              STORY 52 (SHOBHIT BANGA)

              Shobhit Banga is currently 22 years old and is the Co-Founder of Josh Talks - a platform that showcases remarkable ideas & stories from all across India through offline events & online video content  .
              Source: Your Story
              You must have watched at least a video or a short video clip of Josh Talks. It’s a story of Josh Talks’ founder Shobhit Banga. Shobhit shares the story about how he managed to make a massive celebrity like Papa CJ agree to be one of the first speakers on Josh Talk. He tells about the creation of Firefox and KFC by the founders in their later age. “If I have JOSH in my heart, I can do anything.” With due respect, I partially agree with his opinion about government jobholders, “If everybody wants to take up a government job, then they are not going to follow their dreams. A government job is about being safe.” A government job indeed makes life safer and less risky, but it doesn’t mean that a government servant cannot follow his dreams and achieve their goals. I know that story of Unacedemy’s Roman Saini may be inspiring and true to quit his current job for starting a new startup venture but I feel it is riskier. I feel like one should resign present job only after being financially independent successfully in another venture.

              STORY 53 (SID RAJSEKAR)

              Source: Franchise India
              The story is about Siddharth (Sid) Rajsekar whom I have followed recently and subscribed to his newsletters via email. One can learn about the 80-20 rule (Pareto’s Principle) in his interview. He shares the stories of his failure which inspires readers to do something throughout his interviews. He shares the stories of his failures which inspires readers to do something throughout his interview. Sid talks about 3 mistakes that many beginners do in the beginning. He shares 3 parts of the Digital Coach blueprint.

              STORY 54 (SORAV JAIN)

              Sorav Jain
              Source: Sorav Jain
              Sorav Jain shares The Secrets of Digital Marketing through Instagram.

              STORY 55 (STEVE LARSEN)

              Source: Twitter
              What I like about Steve Larsen’s story is his balance between business and family. He tells about Funnel / ClickFunnel in brief.  

                STORY 56 (STEVE OLSHER)

                Steve Olsher Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Podcast Magazine®
                Image Source:
                Podcast Adverising
                Hero introduction of Steve Olsher is quite enough to understand his success in various fields. He is the founder and Editor-in-chief of Podcast Magazine and the founder of He shares some important key points for podcasters to concentrate on. I would like to quote his statement, “We all measure success differently.” He tells that being a guest and giving an interview is one of the best ways to talk about your area of expertise. Steve Olsher also recommends some types of equipment like a Heil PR 40 microphone Zener mixer and a whiteboard, Technik’s ATR 2100 USB microphone for beginners to set up a podcast.

                  STORY 57 (STU McLAREN)

                  Stu McLaren | Entrepreneur & Membership Expert
                  Source: Pinterest
                  Leading social media marketer Stu McLaren tells about Front end membership sites and Back end membership site. “This too shall pass.” is a statement that can be used in both happy and unhappy situations.

                  STORY 58 (SURENDRAN JAYASEKAR)

                  “Anybody can make a difference if they believe in their vision.” – Surendran Jayasekar (Founder of Success Gyan)

                  Credit: echoVMV
                  I liked the formula E+R=O introduced by Jack Canfield. If you wish to know what the formula means, you have to read the book TIMOTW yourself. I like strategies like WWW (Win Win Win), FFFF (Fail Fast Fail Forward) to achieve success. Jayasekar tells the importance of failure in life, “The only way you can learn something and move ahead is by failing. You do not have to wait for people to approve your venture. Start something, and if it fails, learn from it and change the way you proceed.” I agree with Surendran’s opinion about whether entrepreneurs should learn from other experts in their field or not and what important factors to be focused while doing this. He shares his thought regarding personal brand, “I also do not believe you need to create a personal brand for yourself, because the work you do speaks volume. Do not worry about how your brand comes off, but focus on how you are adding value to your customers.” He shares the beneficial positive changes that appeared after attending training sessions. He indirectly recommends to attend  Brian Tracy’s session.

                  STORY 59 (TIM HAN):

                  Tim Han
                  Source: Success Insider
                  Success Insider’s Founder & CEO Tim Han recommends us to learn from other people who have worse situations than us. He shares three prerequisites to become a successful marketer. He remarks about perfection, “Do not worry about being perfect, because perfectionism is a myth.”

                  STORY 60 (TIM SCHMOYER)

                  Tim Schmoyer
                  Credit: Video Creator
                  The story is about Tim Schmoyer who is a Video Creator and a YouTube strategist. Tim gives an important suggestion to those who wish to switch from one platform to another like YouTube. He also shares a tip and trick to excite people for watching your video on YouTube. My (RDH Sir) YouTube Channel’s viewers ask me how many subscribers one needs to make more money; Tim explains the correlation between your audience size (number of subscribers) and money you make through monetization. Though I am not comparing myself with Tim Schmoyer; I correlate with his experience. We both of us had made the same mistake of thinking that we will make good money through our blog since it has more traffic but started earning after coming on YouTube. He also shares 7 signals as a part of a strategy to make people come back to your YouTube Channel which is very important in my opinion. He recommends reading Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon for deep knowledge about those 7 signals. He also shares some mistakes to be avoided by YouTubers in the beginning. He shares one of the most important tips at the end of his interview for creators like me who upload different kinds of content on a single YouTube Channel, “People do not like to wait, put all the videos on the same topic in one series only. It is easy to grab the attention of people for an hour and a half rather than making them wait for a week.” 

                  STORY 61 (TYLER BASU)

                  Tyler Basu
                  Source: bonjoro
                  Tyler Basu tells about content marketing. She recommends to determine whether you want to be an entrepreneur or a marketer. She also differentiates between entrepreneur and content creator. She tells the best way to use the same content on YouTube in different ways like articles/blogs.

                  STORY 62 (ZION KIM)

                  Zion Kim
                  Credit: Zion Kim
                  I would like to quote Zion Kim who plays different roles of an entrepreneur, executive coach and investor, “What you desire does not take time, it takes courage.”

                  IN PARTING

                  Authors write about how the book The Internet Moguls Of The World came into its form despite having many challenges like a pandemic, and the time difference between interviewers and interviewees, “You are never alone, and you are destined to do great things. Go after your ambition and do everything in your power to achieve your goals!

                  QUOTES from TIMOTW:  

                  1. “Trust your vibe and let that attract your tribe.” - Avi's Dad
                  2. "Don’t get emotional on your way to success and do what needs to be done." -  Avi's Dad

                  Books for Reference:



                  1. The authors’ names are missing on the front cover of the book.
                  2. The interviewer’s name is missing in several questions.
                  3. A few technical terms and abbreviations are not explained.
                  4. The story of Carrie Rose (Leading Change; One Course at a Time) should be on No. 9 instead of 19 in alphabetical order.
                  5. Links to Brad Lea are shared in the story of Bella Vasta on page 36.

                  • Typing, Printing and Grammatical Errors:

                  Typing, Printing and Grammatical Errors:


                  SR NO.





                  Bon Voyage

                  The Backdrop

                  On the header of pages xii, xiii and xiv; and before the end of Not Just Motivation.




                  page 9, 10 (twice), 40, 66, 73, 145, 146, 152, 194, 226, 245, 281, 304, 315 (twice), 320, 321, 328, 8 times on page 358-360, 388, 389, 403, 438, and 440.





                  Page 41




                  Page 41




                  Page 47




                  Page 53




                  Page 91




                  Page 171 (I think because there is a lot of difference between cliché and click)




                  Ranveer Allahbadia’s last name on Page 332


                  The link to Ranveer Allahbadiya’s Instagram account is repeated in place of his Twitter handle on page 336.




                  Page 349


                  to attending

                  to attend

                  Page 365




                  Page 403


                  A few words are repeated on page 461 in Avianna’s about.

                  • Punctuation Errors:
                  1. A punctuation mark (,) is missing before what they do on page xii.
                  2. The full stop (.) is used instead of an exclamation mark (!) to express an interjection Oh wow! on page 18. The full stop (.) is missing at the end of both options on pages 72 and 73, the end of points 1 and 2 on page 168.
                  3. Space is missing between 48days which should be 48 days.
                  4. A few punctuation errors are left in Raya Arya’s About section on page 461.
                  5. The hyphen (-) is printed instead of the colon (:) in Not Just Motivation.  
                  6. The opening double inverted comma (“) is missing in the testimonial of Greg Smith on the back cover.
                  • Editing / Formatting Errors:

                  1. Titles of a few books are mentioned in plain font instead of italic font.
                  2. Avi’s few dialogues (before the question) are printed in plain italic font which could be better in bold text on pages in the story 5, 7, 9 and 12. 
                  3. Titles of a few books are mentioned in plain font instead of italic font.
                  4. The font style of NOT JUST MOTIVATION is changed in story 16.
                  5. Numbers are misplaced on page 224.
                  6. The font of the question is plain instead of bold in chapter 40. The font style of the first question by Avi on page 303 is plain instead of bold italic.
                  7. No space given in 10 years old (page 359).   

                  REVIEWER’s OPINION:

                  Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH Sir)
                  Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH Sir)
                  Image Source:
                  The book The Internet Moguls Of The World teaches us not to be discouraged to see failure and to start anew for achieving success. It tells the importance of being consistent in our work. The book gives details about what many entrepreneurs have done to succeed in their businesses. The book is about the personal as well as professional life of 62 successful entrepreneurs. Readers can learn from their stories and they can avoid mistakes because the book offers a variety of information and provides a wider range of choices to choose. I got immense knowledge and information about how to make money online using the internet via different fields like blogging, YouTube, affiliate marketing, content writing, etc. I am impressed reading questions asked by Avianna Arya and Raya Arya at such teenage. Avi Arya covers all the questions that a normal being would like to ask to one of the successful entrepreneurs. The Internet Moguls Of The World is a masterpiece to learn about marketing, affiliate marketing, and selling products/services through the internet.

                  The Internet Moguls Of The World is not just a normal book but you can consider it a workbook since every chapter has an exercise to do. I would like to recommend this book to all startups, digital marketers, social media influencers, bloggers, YouTubers, entrepreneurs, content creators, etc. The Internet Moguls Of The World is a book that certainly deserves a place on the bookshelf of every individual who wishes to make a career in the virtual world of internet.

                  I would rate 4.5 stars to The Internet Moguls Of The World on a scale of 5 stars in my Book Analysis (BookLysis).

                  Before Concluding, I would like to Thank Mr. Avi Arya for approaching me to read and review this book. Thank you Miss Rohini for arranging my phone call with Avi Sir. Last but not the least, a big thanks to Lakshita Ma'am from Team Avi for providing me pretty much time and opportunity to critically analyze this book as I wanted in the most detailed manner. I thank her from bottom of my heart for her cooperation and too much patience from beginning to an end for this review.

                  - Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH Sir) 

                  Book Reviewer & Founder of 

                  BookLysis By


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                  ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                  Avi Arya, Avianna Arya & Raya Arya
                  Avi Arya, Avianna Arya & Raya Arya
                  Image Credit: Lakshita from Team Avi Arya
                  Image Source: BookLysis by

                  RAYA ARYA, a student of Vancouver’s Carson High brings to you her second entrepreneurial venture in the form of this book. Here, from the age of ten, she has worked hard on her outreach strategies to reach out to the world’s top experts to have them on her podcast to learn and share this knowledge with the world. She has been the storyboard board designer and video editor for this book on the project and created this project amidst pursuing her studies, her passion for dance and her love for the performing arts.

                  Raya reached out to Arianna Huffington by email who congratulated her and featured the story of her venture on Thrive Global which is available online for all to read.

                  AVIANNA ARYA, from the Sutherland School in Vancouver, joins her sister in studying Entrepreneurs. She writes about her learning from the planet’s best business minds in exchange for her pay-out from the daddy-daughter venture.

                  She has worked on the first draft of the chapters and fine-turned the chapter series. Looking to become a horse rider or an entrepreneur, Avianna’s dream is to be somehow surrounded by horses is what would be her short-term dream.

                  AVI ARYA is a proud father who worked alongside these beautiful young women to create a venture that invites good humans with great business successes to share their stories to help everyday Entrepreneurs to find roadmaps to their success. 


                  Book Cover of The INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD
                  Book Cover of The INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD
                  Image Credit: Lakshita from Team Avi Arya
                  Image Source: BookLysis by


                  Namaste Reader,

                  If you are reading this, we believe it is by design. This book you hold in your hands in an effort by two teenage girls and their dad to find a purpose that brings them together for a few hours every week. From balancing school assignments and traveling to the world’s top business conferences, this daddy-daughter team has traveled the globe and then used personalized micro-videos to reach out to successful entrepreneurs who balance work and family with blissful ease and share these learnings inside this evergreen book.

                  Every chapter in this book is in a question-answer format that allows for easy highlighting of the best practices to start a new business or grow an existing venture while making more time than ever for your family.

                  Thank you for your time.


                  Avianna, Raya and Avi Arya 


                  1. “This is a must-read for entrepreneurs who want to learn world-class standards in online marketing put together in a surprisingly easy system by Avi, Raya & Avianna”  Dan Lok
                  2. “Just the right book for anyone who wants success in their business but also spends more time with their family.” Patrick Bet David
                  3. “Avi and his girls have created a powerful toolkit for entrepreneurs – a solid resource with guidance from experts around the world!” John Lee Dumas
                  4. “A book that includes decades of experience, trial and error, and information from some of the top entrepreneurship the world? This book is an absolute no brainer.” Pat Flynn
                  5. “This book (Internet Moguls Of The World) is like a collection of wisdom…” Greg Smith 















                  AVI ARYA | RAYA ARYA | AVIANNA ARYA

                  Published by  




                  HAPPY SELF PUBLISHING





                  2021 © Avi Arya | Raya Arya | Avianna Arya










                  Paperback (First Edition 2021)





                  Self-help, non-fiction





                  480 (excluding cover)





                  Rs. 849

                  Review Typing & Editing




                  Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH)

                  Reviewed by




                  © Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH)

                  Rating on BookLysis        






                  • The reviewer Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH Sir) was approached for an unbiased review by the author AVI ARYA and a review copy of the book THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD was sent to the reviewer by Team Avi.
                  • Some quotations/advices are used in this book review (BookLysis) from the book THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD (Copyright 2021 © Avi Arya | Raya Arya | Avianna Arya) with prior written permission of the author(s) and/or his team only for the purpose of detailed critical analysis /review (BookLysis) purpose.
                  • This is Reviewer's honest and unbiased opinion about the book THE INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD and readers' views may be vary.
                  • Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH) asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this Book Review (BookLysis) of the book The INTERNET MOGULS OF THE WORLD by AVI ARYA, RAYA ARYA & AVIANNA ARYA.
                  • Copyright 2022 © Rajesh D. Hajare | All rights reserved.  No part of this book review/BookLysis can be reproduced/republished without the prior written permission of the reviewer Rajesh D. Hajare (RDH Sir)
                  • I/We (Rajesh D. Hajare / RDH Sir / BookLysis) have no affiliation or business relationship with the entrepreneurs featured in the book.
                  • Mentioned Names of companies/brands are registered trademarks of the respected entities/brands/websites/books/podcasts.
                  • Entrepreneurs'/Authors'/Reviewer's Quotations, advices, suggestions, thoughts, techniques, ideas, concepts contained in the BookLysis by RDH Sir are NOT recommended as individual advice.
                  • Some content and Images contained in this book review may be copyrighted work of respective copyright owner; The reviewer does not intend copyright infringement but such content is used under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "FAIR USE" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.


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                  Rajesh D. Hajare (RDHSir)
                  Founder, BookLysis by