Hi! and Hello everyone. . . This is my First Blog I am writing in this New Year 2013. . . I started it before just some months in previous year. . . and now this is My 2013's First & total 39th BLOG POST. . . Previous year 2012 was not very good for us as we know and its ending was how worst nobody need to tell. . . But BAD TIME IS OVER. . . Hope this New Year 2013 will be very-very Good, Happy, Prosperous, Successful for everyone. . .
I know many persons resolves something to achieve their aims at the starting of new year. . . It might be with you also. . . Nothing wrong in resolving. . . But I ask how many persons strictly follow their resolutions till ending of the year except some exceptional time, days and events or critical conditions..? So I didn't resolved anything for year 2013; However its a good habit. . . Because its nothing that I never tried; Whenever I tried to resolve about my study or lifestyle; I could not follow atleast 50% of my resolutions which are very least percentage. . . So I did not resolve for 2013. . . But---
OK... I read one blogger named Abhilash Veeru Ruhela's one blog titled 'Celebrate the Year... Not the First Day of it.. ' and I inspired from him to write my resolutions and I also decided; after deep think I thought and finally I am writing and telling you My Resolutios for Year 2013 now. . . I don't know that how many resolutions I will follow from following these... but I will try now to strictly follow all that. . . Aur agar nahin bhi pure follow kar saka to kya hota hai yaar Sankalp hi na karnese to achchha hi hai na..! Aur likh kar rakhunga to kuchh to Follow karunga hi. . .
So... This is Year 2012 so These are. . .
My 13 Resolutions of 2013
*Resolution 1:-
I am the student of B.A.Part-II of Yashvantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) Nashik. . . So I will study hard seriously. . . After 5-6 months I will passed and admitted in B.A.Part-III. So I must have to study hard. . . However I am a student of of Graduation (Degree). . . I have passed D.T.Ed too with 79.20% in Sept.2011. . . And after passing B.A.Part-II I will appeared to B.A.Part-III (Final Year) means I will be able to qualify for many Competitive Exams of MPSC and/or other so I would have to study of Competitive Exams for crack that. . .
*Resolution 2:-
I have many habits; Some are Good while some are Bad. . . My Bad Habits can be create many problems about my Health in my future life. . . So I must have to Care about my Health first. . . I know about my Bad Habits which may be Dangerous for Myself in Future; but when my Parents brings my notice on that suddenly I get irritate and ignore on that but now NOT. . . I will seriously notice on my Bad Habits and will be try to break down. . . My First Bad Habit is I don't hygiene of my body very seriously... But Utna bhi Ganda nahi rehta yaar mai. . . My Second Bad Habit is I was Bitting of My Lips from Inside now I have much controlled on it but in this Year I will be fully STOP..! My Third Bad Habit is I Elongate My Chin while Writing which I want to STOP now. . . My Fourth Bad Habit is my Personal so I don't think that I shall have to describe that here. . . My Fifth Bad Habit is I Sleep at very Late Night. . . I have decided to Sleep at 12.00 midnight but sometimes I don't sleep after 12 too although My Father irritates much cause of my sleeping timing so now I have decided. . . I don't know I will be successfully follow there timing for sleep or not but I will strictly try to sleep at 12 or before in any condition. . . And last one after sleep at late night I oversleep so I Awaken from Sleep very Late so now I will try to awake early in the Morning. . .
NOTE: To read my Next 11 Resolutions Click onNEXT PAGE [GO TO LAST PAGE]
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